Different breeds and types of dogs
There are different types of dogs. Dogs are the only domestic animals that easily get used to living with people and obey. That is so because humans share their meal and shelter with them. Tightly communicating with humans, the dog integrated into the humans‘ society. The dog can‘t live without a man and vice verse as the human‘s life without a dog would be vain and lonely. Let‘s find out about the dog‘s memory. Psychologists claim that dogs remember things no longer than for some hours, however, they have a brilliant associative memory. As a result, they never ask a question where their master is but it is enough to hear the master‘s car‘s engine sound and they remember their master at once. The dog thinks that the humans society is its pack and the master is its leader. The master‘s home is its territory. If the dog looses its home, it feels disbalanced. Lost dog suffers very much that is kept in the dogs‘ shelter. In order to return the balance in its life it is important to find a new master for the dog. Usually dogs have powerful physical and sensual features and are playful. That is why small children rely on them and have their communication secrets with big and fierce dogs.
Finally, there are a lot of different breeds of dogs, as a result, it is significant to understand that they are all different. Assuming this information it will be possible to avoid mistakes in keeping the dog in the future.